

23rd Camberwell Scout Group

Provides personal development opportunities for young people aged 6-18. Situated in Camberwell, they invite young people from all backgrounds, faiths and creeds to take on the great adventure that is Scouting!


Twitter: @23rdCamberwell
Facebook: 23rdCamberwell
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Camberwell Islamic Centre

The mosque caters for a large a Muslim community in Camberwell with members covering many ethnicities, including Nigerians, Algerians, Egyptians, Somalians, Asians, Jamaicans, Sierra Leoneans, Ghanaians to mention but a few. Regularly hold events such as meetings, lectures, studies, community and educational.


Address: 118 Camberwell Rd
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Central Southwark Community Hub

Camberwell's food bank. Referrals have tripled since the start of lockdown - but so have volunteers. Chief Executive Felicia Boshorin says donations are badly needed to keep up with demand. You can drop off items at CSCH, 64 Wilson Road, Monday - Friday, 10am to 2pm


Address: 64 Wilson Road
Instagram: csouthwarkhub
Twitter: @CSCHub161
Facebook: centralsouthwarkch
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Employment Academy

At the Employment Academy, Thames Reach – dedicated to helping people escape homelessness – and a range of partners come together to provide a multitude of services for the local community, including help finding work and access to training.


Twitter: @ThamesReach
Facebook: thames.reach
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Sceaux Gardens Estate T&RA

The Tenants & Residents Association exists to promote the quality of life for all those living on the estate. The committee meets monthly and all tenants and residents are invited to participate. "Working together to make Sceaux Gardens a better place to live for everyone"


Facebook: SceauxGardensTRA
Telephone: 07582 385770
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SE5 Forum

The SE5 Forum works to improve Camberwell for the benefit of all members of our diverse community. We are a voluntary group of board members set up to be the eyes, ears and voice of the community.


Instagram: @se5forum
Twitter: SE5Forum
Facebook: SE5Forum
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St Giles Trust

Offers a broad range of services helping people overcome adversity, move their lives forward whilst inspiring and supporting others to do the same. Including employment services for disadvantaged adults and young people, help for adults with multiple and complex needs and support for vulnerable young people who are being criminally exploited.


Instagram: st_giles_trust
Twitter: @StGilesTrust
Facebook: StGilesTrust
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South London Cares

Tackling loneliness and isolation in south London by bringing older and younger neighbours together.


Instagram: southlondoncares
Twitter: @SouthLDNCares
Facebook: southlondoncares
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Southwark Pensioners Centre

Supports older people aged 50+ to enjoy healthier, independent and more active lives, in touch with each other and their communities. Their community resource centre in Camberwell provides a wide range of services and activities.


Instagram: swarkpensioners
Twitter: @SouthwarkPensioners
Facebook: SouthwarkPensioners
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The Camberwell Society

The Camberwell Society was formed in 1970 and is the recognised amenity society for those living, working or interested in Camberwell. The society works to stimulate public interest in Camberwell and promote high standards of planning and architecture in Camberwell.


Instagram: camberwell_society
Twitter: @camberwellsoc
Facebook: camberwellsociety
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